NB-Fi server API

NB-Fi server API allows to get and send NB-Fi messages, configure the NB-Fi devices and base stations, monitor the NB-Fi network parameters and handle with NB-Fi licenses.


List of NB-Fi server API methods

Description URL HTTP method
Get the list of UL, DL, ULAPP and INFO packets /telecom/api/messages GET
Get the list of DLAPP packets/telecom/api/dl_messages GET
Send the DLAPP packet/telecom/api/send_dl GET
Get the DLAPP packet status/telecom/api/dl_message_status GET
Delete UL, DL, ULAPP or INFO packet/telecom/api/deletemessage GET
Get devices parameters/telecom/api/device GET
Get average NB-Fi network quality indicators
for recieved NB-Fi UPLINK packets
/telecom/api/devsnr GET
Get base stations parameters/telecom/api/bs GET
Configure the base station parameters/telecom/api/bs POST
Get base stations statistics/telecom/api/stinfo GET
Get the NB-Fi server statistics/telecom/api/stats GET
Upload NB-Fi licences to the NB-Fi server/telecom/api/license POST
Get detailed statistics from base stations/telecom/api/ststats GET
Get history of base stations statistics data/telecom/api/sthistory GET
UL uniq – NB-Fi Transport-layer UPLINK packet, with length of user data (Data field) of 8 bytes.
UL copy – copy of UL uniq packet, received by other NB-Fi base stations. The first packet came to the NB-Fi server is a UL uniq packet, the next are UL copy packets.
ULAPP – NB-Fi Transport-layer GROUP UPLINK packet (Application-layer data), with length of user data from 1 to 240 bytes. ULAPP packet is combined from one or several UL uniq packets.
The NB-Fi base station ID, SNR and RSSI parameters for the ULAPP packet are defined based on better parameters among all received UL packets. Therefore, these parameters for ULAPP packet may differ from the parameters of UL packets, which it consists of.
DL – NB-Fi Transport-layer DOWNLINK packet, with length of user data (Data field) of 8 bytes.
INFO – notification messages, generated by NB-Fi server. INFO packets are not the transmitted packets.
Use /telecom/api/messages method to get UL uniq, UL copy, ULAPP, DL and INFO packets.
DLAPP – NB-Fi Transport-layer GROUP DOWNLINK packet (Application-layer data), with length of user data from 1 to 240 bytes.
Use /telecom/api/dl_messages method to get DLAPP packets.
Types of NB-Fi packets at NB-Fi server:

Get the list of UL, DL, ULAPP and INFO packets

/telecom/api/messages GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
message_types int
Type of packet (1 - UL uniq, 2 - UL copy, 3 – ULAPP,
10 – DL, 20 - INFO)
bs_ids int
IDs of NB-Fi base stations All IDs
devices int
IDs of NB-Fi devices All IDs
timefrom int
Timestamp of From date 0
timeto int
Timestamp of To date Current time
time_saved int
0 – Query by date of packet receiving,
1 – Query by date of packet saving at the NB-Fi server
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results 100
Example: telecom/api/messages?message_types=3&devices=7769790&bs_ids=8249&timeto=1554991680&limit=40

Get the list of DLAPP packets

/telecom/api/dl_messages GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
statuses int
Status of packet (1 - Queued, 2 - In progress,
4 – Delivered, 5 – Lost)
bs_ids int
IDs of NB-Fi base stations All IDs
devices int
IDs of NB-Fi devices All IDs
timefrom int
Timestamp of From date 0
timeto int
Timestamp of To date Current time
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results 100
Example: telecom/api/dl_messages?statuses=4&devices=7769790&bs_ids=8249&timeto=1554991680&limit=400

Send the DLAPP packet

/telecom/api/send_dl GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
modem_id int
ID of the NB-Fi device to which the DLAPP packet should be sent Mandatory parameter
payload hex
Data to be sent in Hex form Mandatory parameter
tag_id string
Tag of the DLAPP packet Parameter could be either set explicitly or absent. In case parameter is absent, the automatically generated Tag of the of the DLAPP packet will be returned.
Example: telecom/api/send_dl?modem_id=7607371&payload=abcdef

Get the DLAPP packet status

/telecom/api/dl_message_status GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
tag_id int
Tag of the DLAPP packet Mandatory parameter
Example: telecom/api/dl_message_status?tag_id=342519d9-9738-42f0-bd3d-1caddd15d3ca

Delete UL, DL, ULAPP or INFO packet

/telecom/api/deletemessage GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
modem_id int
ID of the NB-Fi device which packet should be deleted Mandatory parameter
type int
Type of packet (1 - UL uniq, 2 - UL copy, 3 – ULAPP, 10 – DL) Mandatory parameter
station_id int
ID of NB-Fi base station Mandatory parameter
iter int
The Iter field of the packet Mandatory parameter
time_detected int
The time_detected value of the packet Mandatory parameter
Example: telecom/api/deletemessage?modem_id=7769790&type=3&station_id=8249&iter=35&time_detected=1554990636

Get devices parameters

/telecom/api/device GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
dev_ids int
ID(s) of NB-Fi device(s) All IDs
total bool
true for returning the total number of devices false
list bool
true for returning the list of IDs false
type string
hw_type ID filter All hw_type values
protocol string
MDM protocol filter All protocol values
dl_mode string
dl_mode filter (NRX, DRX, CRX, OFF) All dl_mode values
ul_phy string
ul_phy filter (e.g. UL_DBPSK_3200_PROT_E) All ul_phy values
dl_phy string
dl_phy filter (e.g. DL_DBPSK_3200_PROT_D) All dl_phy values
ul_lasttime_from int
Last recieved time of UL packet
(UTC timestamp from)
ul_lasttime_to int
Last recieved time of UL packet
(UTC timestamp to)
Current time
geolocation bool
Calculate the devices distance rating based on data from NB-Fi base stations false
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results
(must be a multiple of 32)
320*N (N is from 1 to 32 based on NB-Fi server configuration)
offset int
Offset for the list of returned results
(must be a multiple of 32)
Example: telecom/api/device?dev_ids=8148928,8290056&geolocation=true

Get average NB-Fi network quality indicators for recieved NB-Fi UPLINK packets

/telecom/api/devsnr GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
dev_id int
ID of the NB-Fi device Mandatory parameter
Example: telecom/api/devsnr?dev_id=7769790

Get base stations parameters

/telecom/api/bs GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
bs_ids int
ID(s) of NB-Fi base station(s) Mandatory parameter
online_status int
Status of NB-Fi base station (0 - All, 1 - Online, 2 - Offline) 0
total bool
true for returning the total number of devices false
list bool
true for returning the list of IDs false
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results 1000
offset int
Offset for the list of returned results 0
Example: telecom/api/bs?bs_ids=10325

Configure the base station parameters

/telecom/api/bs POST method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
bs_id int
ID of NB-Fi base station Mandatory parameter
address string
Address of the NB-Fi base station Optional user parameter
comment string
Comment Optional user parameter
latitude int
Latitude of the NB-Fi base station's coordinates Optional user parameter
longitude int
longitude of the NB-Fi base station's coordinates Optional user parameter
timezone string
Name of the timezone for the NB-Fi base station (e.g. "Europe/Paris") Optional user parameter
timezone_offset int
Timezone offset (seconds ahead to GMT time, e.g. 3600) Optional user parameter

Get base stations statistics

/telecom/api/stinfo GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
bs_ids int
ID(s) of NB-Fi base station(s) Mandatory parameter
hours int
Period for statistics, number of last hours 24
dev_ids int
ID(s) of NB-Fi device(s) All IDs
snr int
Mimimum SNR for NB-Fi device(s) 6
max_uls int
Maximum number of UL packets sent by NB-Fi device(s)
type string
Hardware type hw_type ID filter All hw_type values
protocol string
MDM protocol filter All protocol values
Example: telecom/api/stinfo?bs_ids=9500&protocol=water7

Get the NB-Fi server statistics

/telecom/api/stats GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
- - - -
Example: telecom/api/stats

Upload NB-Fi licences to the NB-Fi server

/telecom/api/license POST method
Body Answer
#L#your license file#R#
           "result": true
Example: /telecom/api/license

Get detailed statistics from base stations

/telecom/api/ststats GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
bs_ids int
IDs of NB-Fi base stations All IDs
timefrom int
Timestamp of From date 0
timeto int
Timestamp of To date Current time
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results 100
period int
Data aggregation period, sec (possible values: 60, 3600 or 86400) Mandatory parameter
Example: telecom/api/ststats?bs_ids=8800&timeto=1585318469&period=60&limit=2

Get history of base stations statistics data

/telecom/api/sthistory GET method
Query Parameter Type Description Default value
bs_ids int
IDs of NB-Fi base stations All IDs
timefrom int
Timestamp of From date 0
timeto int
Timestamp of To date Current time
limit int
Limit for the number of returned results 100
Example: telecom/api/sthistory?bs_ids=9881,8980,9748&timefrom=1585560789&timeto=1585560827&limit=3